
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Space Rock

You know how sometimes you click on a video on YouTube, then see something similar and click on that, and before you know it you are in a strange YouTube realm? :) Well that happened to me this weekend, and I became deep in Space Rock. I found some hilarious videos, but at the same time, I'm really digging the music. So I decided to make a Space Rock playlist, some are new discoveries, others are ones I thought of from my own music collection. So I made a mix of old and new, and of what I consider Space Rock to sound like. There are 27 videos in this playlist, and I recommend for you to check them out. :o)

Who knew there was a Space Rock movement in the late 70's/early 80's? Now I know where Daft Punk and Air got their inspiration. Also from the looks of it, I think there MUST have been a big sale on gold jump suits back then. Enjoy! :)


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