
Friday, February 12, 2016

Hidden Track on Blur's album Think Tank

I have been a fan of Blur since 1996 when I first saw them perform "Charmless Man" on Conan O'Brien. You can check out that performance here:


Even though Oasis were my favorite band at the time, it didn't stop me from loving Blur as well. :o) Well, today (2016) I decided to re-listen to the Think Tank album. I have to admit, it is the one Blur album I am least familiar with, but I never noticed the song "Me, White Noise" before which is apparently a hidden track with guest vocals by Phil Daniels. If you know Blur, you might remember that Phil Daniels also spoke/sang on the song "Parklife."

It turns out to be a really cool track. I can't say much more except that you should check it out and hopefully I will be better at being more active on this music blog in the future. Happy Listening!


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