
Monday, November 9, 2015

Best Acoustic Sessions

I miss the days when I could turn on the tv and just watch music videos. I used to love watching MTV's 120 minutes when I was in High School and I discovered a lot of bands that way. For instance, I wouldn't know the Swedish band Kent (who are amazing, and one of my favorite bands), if I had never seen the video "If You were Here" debut on 120 minutes in 1998. I am pretty sure they only played it once, and luckily I was watching. This is the video, in case you don't know it.

Nowadays, I often create my own video playlists on You Tube. It's kind of like running my own MTV. :) So today I created an acoustic only music playlist. It starts with Damon Albarn and ends with The Raveonettes. There are 27 videos altogether, and these are some of my favorites! Check it out below if you want. Let me know if you like anything you hear or if you have a favorite acoustic performance that is not on my playlist.


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