
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Space Rock

You know how sometimes you click on a video on YouTube, then see something similar and click on that, and before you know it you are in a strange YouTube realm? :) Well that happened to me this weekend, and I became deep in Space Rock. I found some hilarious videos, but at the same time, I'm really digging the music. So I decided to make a Space Rock playlist, some are new discoveries, others are ones I thought of from my own music collection. So I made a mix of old and new, and of what I consider Space Rock to sound like. There are 27 videos in this playlist, and I recommend for you to check them out. :o)

Who knew there was a Space Rock movement in the late 70's/early 80's? Now I know where Daft Punk and Air got their inspiration. Also from the looks of it, I think there MUST have been a big sale on gold jump suits back then. Enjoy! :)


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Lydmor & Bon Homme

There is a new electronic indie pop group known as Lydmor & Bon Homme that I am really loving. It is a collaboration project by Jenny Rossander (Lydmor) and Thomas Høffding (singer/bassist in WhoMadeWho). Their debut album was just released a little over a week ago and it's called Seven Dreams of Fire. I don't know too much about them, but if you want to check them out below is the music video for a song called Things We Do For Love. To me it looks like the video was filmed at Kødbyen and on top of the old DR building in Copenhagen. It's simple, but interesting. :o) Check it out.

Also if you don't know WhoMadeWho, you should really check them out too. They are a Danish indie synth rock band and they released their first album in 2005. I love how diverse their sound is. It can be rock or dance or electronic and all of that at once! Here is the video for Every Minute Alone.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Danish Music Live

As I mentioned before, there are a lot of great bands from Denmark, both old and new. Some of my favorites have only released a few albums, and others are still making music today. I would say my all time favorite Danish band is Moi Caprice, but sadly they are no longer together. I wouldn't say Moi Caprice are very known in Denmark, but a lot of Danish bands I like aren't. That doesn't mean they aren't good! :o) Moi Caprice have released a lot of albums, and every single song is amazing, to me. I love the melodies, the lyrics, and the singer's voice, so it's no wonder I consider them to be my favorite Danish band. :)

I thought it might be neat to make a playlist of Danish bands I like (including the above mentioned), and I decided it would be more interesting if the playlist featured only live performances. There are 24 bands in this playlist, and I might be adding more later. Hope you enjoy it! :)


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Suede Performing Live in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2013

I have been a fan of Suede since 1996 and since I am from Texas, I never got the opportunity to see them perform live until 2013. They actually played in Copenhagen, Denmark two nights in a row, and the first night sold out instantly. That gig was at a small venue called Lille Vega, which was supposed to be a very intimate setting, and something special to be a part of today, since Suede usually play much bigger venues. Initially, I did not have a ticket, but I was put on the waiting list, and the day of the gig, I got an e-mail saying that I could purchase two tickets.

So, I finally got to see Suede perform live, and it was amazing. :o) I stood in the front row and tried to record what I could and the footage came out really nice. I recorded 7 songs: Barriers, Animal Nitrate, Metal Mickey, We are the Pigs, Filmstar, Killing of a Flashboy, and Can't Get Enough.

Hearing We are the Pigs, and Killing of a Flashboy really brought me back to my early Suede fan years! It was really surreal. The band put on a great show, and Brett was really close to me. In fact he used the guy next to me to balance himself as he sang into the crowd. It seemed like tough work for the fan, since Brett moved around when he sang, but must have also been a cool experience for that fan. :o)

You can see what I recorded below!

The next day Suede played at Tivoli, an amusement park in Copenhagen, and it was just a whole different atmosphere. I could barely see, and the sound wasn't good. Some of the people there were also clearly not fans and talked a lot or were just plain rude. So I am so glad I got to see Suede at Lille Vega. If you want to watch what I recorded at Tivoli, the playlist is below. The songs I recorded are Trash, Killing of a Flashboy, Can't Get Enough, Everything Will Flow, Sleeping Pills, and Beautiful Ones.


Monday, November 9, 2015

Best Acoustic Sessions

I miss the days when I could turn on the tv and just watch music videos. I used to love watching MTV's 120 minutes when I was in High School and I discovered a lot of bands that way. For instance, I wouldn't know the Swedish band Kent (who are amazing, and one of my favorite bands), if I had never seen the video "If You were Here" debut on 120 minutes in 1998. I am pretty sure they only played it once, and luckily I was watching. This is the video, in case you don't know it.

Nowadays, I often create my own video playlists on You Tube. It's kind of like running my own MTV. :) So today I created an acoustic only music playlist. It starts with Damon Albarn and ends with The Raveonettes. There are 27 videos altogether, and these are some of my favorites! Check it out below if you want. Let me know if you like anything you hear or if you have a favorite acoustic performance that is not on my playlist.


Sunday, November 8, 2015

24 Hour Party People

If you are a fan of New Order, Joy Division, or The Happy Mondays then you should check out the movie called 24 Hour Party People. It is a film released in 2002 that focuses on the Manchester music scene and Factory Records in particular, a record label created by Tony Wilson that helped launch the careers of these bands. It tells the story of how these bands formed, and got started, and follows that journey, and at the same time takes you into the world of Tony Wilson and his impact on the Manchester music scene in the late 70's and early 80's. I won't say much more to not spoil anything, but I thought the film was funny at times, and really interesting. Tony Wilson is played by British Actor Steve Coogan, and Ian Curtis is played by Sean Harris. Both do a really good job. This film is definitely worth watching.

Here is the trailer:

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Inspired by The Stone Roses

Lately I have been listening to a lot of music from the 80's Manchester music scene like The Stone Rose, The Smiths, New Order, Joy Division, and the Happy Mondays. Well, today when I heard the Blur album "Leisure" I noticed something I never did before. I noticed that these early Blur songs that I have known and loved for years sounded very Stone Roses'ish. How did I miss that?

So I decided to make a playlist inspired by The Stone Roses. One thing that comes to mind when I think of The Stone Roses is the 80's Manchester music scene that so much inspired and influenced many of the bands I love today like Oasis, Blur, and Pulp. I also think of a certain guitar sound or rhythm. The playlist I created includes bands from this Manchester scene, and some newer bands as well. I didn't create the playlist to say that these bands were influenced or inspired by The Stones Roses, although some actually were, but rather these bands remind me of The Stone Roses and that sound. Some of these bands were around before The Stone Roses or at the same time. Thus, this playlist that I made was inspired by The Stone Roses!

The playlist starts off with a funny Stone Roses performance on Top of the Pops, which is a British music chart television program. I am not sure, but it seems like all bands that perform on TOTP are performing to a back up track. What a shame. Anyways in this performance, you can tell that Mani (bass guitarist) is making it pretty obvious that he is not really playing anything. :)

The playlist then ends with a cover of this same Stone Roses song by The Flaming Lips. A cover that is very different from the original version. I hope someone enjoys this, and who knows maybe you will discover a new band. :o) If you know of a song that sounds Stone Roses'ish let me know and maybe I will add it to this playlist. :)


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Lost in Music

Welcome to my new blog called Lost in Music. I decided to start this blog as a way to share the music I like with others and any new bands or music related things I might find interesting. Music is one of my passions, and listening to something I love can definitely make my day become better. I would say my favorite bands are Oasis, Suede, Blur, Kent, Moi Caprice, Pet Shop Boys, Mew, Pulp, New Order, The Smiths/Morrissey, Depeche's definitely hard to make a list as there are a lot of other bands I love as well. :o)

My first really true favorite band was Weezer. I loved the song "Say it Aint So" back in 1994 when I was in middle school, and it is the first Weezer song I ever heard. Here it is in case you don't know it.

I even joined the Weezer fan club run by Mykel and Carli, which was really special to be a part of. After the Pinkerton album I started to lose interest in Weezer, although I do check out the new stuff, it just hasn't been as good to me. I would still love to see them live one day if I have the chance. I'm sure it would be great!

I would say a big part of my vast, obscure music knowledge is thanks to having an older brother who is just as, or more, into music as me. So we have definitely introduced each other to bands, and that is why I know so many lesser known bands, but I have also discovered many on my own. It's hard to describe what type of music I like but generally I tend to like synthpop, indie, britpop, electronic, dance, rock, alternative rock, and even some punk, goth, ska, ambient, and glam rock, but definitely not just any and every band in these categories. Basically, if you stumble upon my blog and happen to like what you hear then I hope you will stick around to see what else I might recommend. :o) Feel free to recommend stuff you like to me as well!

Since I live in Denmark, there is a big chance that a lot of Danish bands I know may be new to you. If you didn't know there are so many great bands coming out of Denmark, and many of them just have a small following. It really surprises me, but there are tons of hidden gems coming out of Denmark.

This is a new band from Denmark called The New Investors that is a mix of surf and rock n'roll and pop. I have seen them perform live twice now and every song is really good. They still don't have an album released, but hopefully it will come out soon. This is footage from a New Investors concert I recorded recently.

I will also try to showcase new bands on this blog, like I just did, but also old bands that you might not know, or you might share the same love for, not just from Denmark, but from my own personal collection. I also plan to create playlists now and then, and I will share with you any concerts I attend, and any footage I might have recorded.

So, why the name Lost in Music? I chose this name after a song by The Fall. The Fall are a post-punk/alternative rock band from England that were formed in 1976. They actually have tons of albums, 30 to be exact, and each one has different band members. There have been 60 different members of this band, and the only one that hasn't changed is the singer, Mark E. Smith. He has a very distinct singing style. It almost sounds like he is half asleep or mumbling and it's definitely different. :)

If you want to check out the song here it is! It's a bit of dance mixed with rock and punk. It's one of my favorite songs by the Fall, it's kind of weird, and surprisingly enough it happens to be a cover!

Check out the original version below. What a difference!

More to come! :o)