
Friday, February 12, 2016

Hidden Track on Blur's album Think Tank

I have been a fan of Blur since 1996 when I first saw them perform "Charmless Man" on Conan O'Brien. You can check out that performance here:


Even though Oasis were my favorite band at the time, it didn't stop me from loving Blur as well. :o) Well, today (2016) I decided to re-listen to the Think Tank album. I have to admit, it is the one Blur album I am least familiar with, but I never noticed the song "Me, White Noise" before which is apparently a hidden track with guest vocals by Phil Daniels. If you know Blur, you might remember that Phil Daniels also spoke/sang on the song "Parklife."

It turns out to be a really cool track. I can't say much more except that you should check it out and hopefully I will be better at being more active on this music blog in the future. Happy Listening!


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

De Underjordiske - New Danish Band

There is a new Danish band called De Underjordiske (The Underground), and I am really liking their song 'Vi kommer nu' (we're coming now).

This song has been getting a lot of airplay on my favorite radio station here in Denmark called P6 Beat. If you don't live in Denmark or have never listened to this station you should and you can online for free. Basically it plays rock, indie, electronic, ambient, heavy metal (on Sundays), synthpop, britpop, alternative rock from new Danish bands, to older bands I love from around the world, and I am surprised to hear obscure tracks on this station from bands I haven't listened to in years that I never thought would be played on a radio station. It is really great, and a good way to discover new music. There are no commercials on this station, but there is a DJ and the Danish news pops in every hour. If you want to check out P6 Beat you can here. Also, you can see the playlist of what is being played on their website so you can download or buy whatever you like.

So back to De Underjordiske. What first caught my attention about their song (embedded above) is that it reminds me so much of the band from England called Cast. I have no idea if this band is in some way influenced by Cast but I can definitely hear some similarities between the song 'Vi kommer nu' and the Cast song called 'Tell it like it is.' In particular it is one of the guitar riffs that sounds similar, as well as the style of the song, and the singer's voice. It is just really strange to hear what sounds like a Cast song being sung in Danish. :)

Cast are a band from Liverpool, England that released a really great debut album called 'All Change' back in 1995. You can check out the song I mention by them below and see if you hear the similarities that I do. :o)